A WONDERFUL PARKby Erik Karlsson I was asked to write something about one of my dives at Redang, but I have found myself unable. The reason for this is that diving there is such a massive set of impressions. After all of my, so far, nine dives there, I have always ended up staring at my log book not knowing what to write, trying to sort out what my overfilled senses told me during the dive. If I were to describe my first dive there, when I saw a Blue spotted Stingray for the first time and try to reflect what I felt meeting that magnificent creature as my first sight, when we reached the bottom; there would not be room for me to describe the dive when Liu signalled "down", went, like a torpedo, locked on target, straight to 30 meters where he showed me my first Nurse Shark sleeping under a rock. Neither would there be room for me to describe the wonderful underwater landscape and coral reef at the south tip of Pulau Lima. Nor would I be able to reflect on the incredible marine life at the KLCC (also called Karang Laut), the dive site where the fish seem to enjoy a never-ending party. There would not either be any room for me to describe the night dive where Larry pointed his torch straight at a swimming Spanish Dancer. The impressions of my dives at Redang are all glimpses of light flashing up, reflecting memories of events. There are no tags and labels on them and I am unable to find words that could describe even one single dive. Being a diver from northern Sweden and arriving to a place where the water temperature is 28 degrees Centigrade, the visibility is up to 20 meters (sometimes more) and the number of species exceeds anything I have ever seen before, Redang gave me experiences that I simply cannot describe. Larry has a way of describing diving: "It is like a walk in the park". And he is absolutely right. Whether he knows it or not, he has taught me the full meaning of that; just be there, there and then, relax and enjoy the moment. Redang offers a wonderful park and all the moments I enjoyed there are now unlabelled, unassorted glimpses of light in my heart. I long to go back to Redang again. ![]() NOTE: |
[REDANG] [DIVERS' LOG] [SCUBA COURSE][TRAVEL INFO] [MALAYSIA] Webmaster: Larry Lam Email your enquiries, comments and suggestions to Last updated: 24th June, 2009. |